Whether you are looking to create a Lasting Power of Attorney, have your Will written, wish to purchase a Funeral Plan, or need support working through the complexities of Probate, Tony and Helen will be able to help and support you.
Contact Tony or Helen today regarding reviewing your affairs

Why The Legacy Studio
Tony and Helen, a father and daughter team, set up The Legacy Studio because they realised that most people don’t have a Will in place.
Many people have never heard of a Lasting Power of Attorney and so don’t realise how vital they are in case they become ill at any time and can’t deal with their own affairs.
Tony and Helen both appreciate just how complex dealing with probate can be for those left behind.
If you are going to discuss your wishes, for your funeral and for the things you leave behind, you need someone you can trust. You need someone who is easy to talk to and who explains things in simple, understandable terms. You need someone who is going to walk you through the process, making it as stress-free for you as possible. However, you also need someone who is going to make sure you have considered everything. Things you may not have thought about.
Many people think that going to a solicitor is the only option to have a Will written or a Lasting Power of Attorney created. However, large law firms don’t always see their clients as individuals with thoughts and feelings… it’s more about generating revenue and getting the job done. When planning for the end of your life and your legacy, you deserve personal service.
The Legacy Studio's Service
Tony, Huddersfield, and Helen, who runs the Leeds office, have built their service around their clients.
Empathetic & Personal
They spend time with you, either at your home or over an internet meeting – whichever you prefer.
Covering all bases
They really get to know what your wishes are and discusses all options available.
Considering All Aspects
They make sure everything has been considered and that you fully understand the consequences of your choices.
Hassle Free
They will complete all the required forms and paperwork, leaving you to simply sign and date the documents.

Will Writing Services
Wills Writing Services
Without a Will the Government decides what happens to everything you have and own. Your closest family and friends will get no say in who has what, or in what proportions.
If you are in a relationship, but are not married or in a civil partnership, then your partner may not even be able to stay in the home you have shared for many years.
Writing a Will is a way to ensure that your wishes are carried out. The people you want to leave things to will receive them and your funeral can be what you want it to be.

Lasting Power of Attorney
Lasting Power of Attorney
Having a Lasting Power of Attorney in place for your ‘Health and Wellbeing’ and for your ‘Finances and Property’, ensures that should you become too ill to make decisions for yourself, your chosen, trusted, Attorney(s) can act for you.
These documents can make all the difference to your life and those closest to you. Without them bills and expenses could go unpaid, and decisions made about your health and treatment by professionals who do not know you.

Probate Service
Dealing with an estate is often complicated and extremely time consuming. Inheritance Tax has to be calculated and paid upfront to the HMRC, a Grant of Probate has to be applied for, beneficiaries have to receive what has been specified for them. There may be property to sell, or investments to cash in.