We are specialists
Our Will writing service makes it easy for you to think about a subject that you perhaps really don’t want to… but know that you must!
Our aim is to give you peace of mind that when the inevitable does happen, everything will be left in order and your wishes will be carried out.
You see, if you don’t leave a Will then it doesn’t really matter who or what you leave behind. The Government will decide who gets what, leaving no one with any choice in the matter. This can cause overwhelmingly stress for family and friends .

Why do I need to make a Will?
For you, it really is reassurance that the people you leave behind will get what you would like them to. That your wishes relating to your funeral are known. That any pets are looked after.
Not making a Will can cause a wide range of issues for your family and friends. For example:
If you have children under 18 years old, the state will decide who can look after them – this may mean they go into the care system.
Assets, such as your house, car and possessions, may have to be sold to pay for legal fees.
The Inheritance Tax bill can be larger, leaving less for your family.
Sentimental items such as jewellery may not go to the person you would want them to.
Pets may be taken to a shelter, rather than being rehomed with someone they know and trust.
Using our Will writing service to state your wishes gives everyone reassurance and ensures that when the day comes that the Will is needed, it is simple and clear for all to understand.
What’s the process for making a Will?
Our Will writing service covers everything you need. We will make an appointment to see you, where we will talk about your circumstances and your wishes. Please don’t worry, we don’t need any in-depth financial details or anything like that…
What we will ask you to think about are areas such as:
- Who you want to be included in your Will.
- Who you would like to handle things for you and make arrangements – your Executor(s).
- What you want to leave to your Partner. You see, if you aren’t married or in a Civil Partnership, your partner isn’t entitled to anything unless specified in your Will – they could even lose your family home. There is no such thing as ‘common-law-spouse’, it’s simply an urban myth!
- What you want to leave to whom (money, jewellery, shares, possessions).
- Whether you want to lower the Inheritance Tax bill – leaving anything to a spouse or civil partner provides exemption on that amount.
- What funeral arrangements you would like.
Once you have told us what your wishes are, we write your Will. A draft copy will be provided to you so that you can be 100% sure you are still happy with the contents of it and then you sign the original in front of a witness. All very straightforward and not nearly as emotional as most people think.
Why use The Legacy Studio's Will Writing Service?
We are specialists in what we do. Our mission is to put your mind at rest that everything is in order. Because of that, we get to know you and listen to your wishes. We understand Probate Law and can advise you the best way to ensure that your ‘estate’ is dealt with in the way you want it to be.
Because we independent and only write Wills and Lasting Power of Attorneys, we don’t charge the rates that large law firms do. We have your best interests at heart both whilst you are here and when you are gone.