If you become ill, who will make the right decisions for you?
In these days of scams and data protection, banks, utility companies, health care providers are not allowed to speak to anyone other than you. And quite rightly so. But what happens if you are taken ill and need them to speak to someone on your behalf?
Without Lasting Power of Attorney documents in place professionals, who don’t know you, have to make decisions about your life.

What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?
There are two types of LPA.
One covers your Health and Wellbeing and the other your Finances.
You name people who you know and trust as your Attorneys, to act on your behalf.
The LPA covering Health and Wellbeing comes into force when you are not well enough to make your own decisions any longer. Without it Social Services, for example, could place you in a residential home hundreds of miles away from your family and friends.
The Health Lasting Power of Attorney also allows you to specify, in advance, your own decisions about the type of medical treatment you wish to receive should you fall ill.
The LPA covering Finance works slightly differently. You can choose to invoke it – allowing your Attorney(s) to take partial or complete control of your finances at any time. And, it would be automatically invoked if you became unable to control your finances any longer because of health issues.
Having LPAs in place provide a safety net around you, to protect you when you cannot protect yourself.Why use The Legacy Studio for your Lasting Power of Attorney?
Sometimes creating Lasting Power of Attorney can be more difficult for you than when thinking about our Will writing service. When your Will is needed, you are gone. However, your Lasting Power of Attorney comes into force when you are potentially at your most vulnerable, leaving others to make decisions about the rest of your life.
We understand just how difficult and emotional this can be.
Our extensive experience working with our clients allows us to discuss things with you which you might find difficult to discuss with your family – particularly if any of the relationships are ‘challenging’.
We want you to be protected, to have the right people acting for you and making your decisions. As we all know only too well, illness can strike at any time and affect anyone of any age and background.